Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Influence Of Colour Composition At Work Space Toward Work Stress

Rahmawan D. Prasetya


This study investigated the influence of the physical work environment toward stress at work place, particularly the colour composition used. The research subjects were thirty students of ASMI (Secretary and Management Academy) who were divided into three groups, namely the Harmonious group, The Disharmonious group, and the Controlled group. The Work Stress Scale was used in the measurement process. The measurement was done three times: before the experiment, in the middle of the experiment (first 2 hours), and after the experiment (last 2 hours). The result was analysed using the Analysis of Variance (ANAVA) A-Mix-B model of SPS-2000 software application.

The result of this study illustrated that there was a significant difference on work stress level impacted by colour composition applied at work space (F = 4.149, p = 0.026). The graphic of work stress average of the Harmonious group showed that Harmonious colour composition did not affect the work stress significantly (t = 0.520, p = 0.306). The dominantly white colour composition that played a role as the Controlled group was in fact able to reduce the work stress. The graphic showed that the Controlled group tended to decrease significantly with these values t = 1.825, p = 0.035, and the initial work stress average was (0.000) higher than the final one (- 22.800). The Disharmonious group showed that the color composition increased the work stress level (t = 3.177, p = 0.001).

It was concluded that Harmonious colour composition at work space did not influence the work stress level, dominantly white colour composition could reduce the work stress level, and inharmonious (Disharmonious) colour composition application had chances to elevate the work stress level.

Keywords : disharmonious, colour composition, harmonious, work space, work stress

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Setiap hari, setiap waktu, kita berada dalam sebuah 'ruang'. Ruang yang secara fisik dibatasi oleh dinding, lantai, dan langit-langit. Ada perbedaan antara ruang eksterior dan ruang interior. Perbedaan itu terletak pada materi pembentuknya, antara dinding, lantai dan langit-langit.

Tanpa sadar ruang di sekeliling kita memberikan pengaruh bagi perilaku kita sehari-hari. Kadang-kadang bahkan kita yang mempengaruhi ruang di sekitar kita. Bagaimana dinamika pengaruh-mempengaruhi antara manusia dan ruang dimana ia hidup?

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